
In HTML and PDF formats. 

This narrative was developed during the Teaching Portfolio Workshop, offered by the Teaching Resource Center at the University of Virginia in the spring of 2005.  With the exception of the aforementioned narrative, as well as the course materials and teaching awards listed below, the rest of the materials on this page have not been updated since then.




Appendix A: Course materials

For each course, the following can be found in the table below: a copy of the syllabus, the course website, course evaluations, and the end of course memo (EOCM) is included.  With the exception of the websites, all files are in PDF format. My courses currently in progress are listed, but won't have much filled in until the semester ends.

A few important notes:

Semester Course Syllabi Website Evaluations EOCMs
Spring 2010 CS 2150   website (not available yet...)  
  CS 4501   website (not available yet...)  
  ENGR 3080   website (not available yet...)  
Fall 2009 CS 2150   website CS 2150: section 1, section 2  
  CS 4240   website CS 4240  
Summer 2009 CS 445 syllabus website CS 445 (didn't do it)
Spring 2009 CS 216 syllabus website CS 216; labs: 2, 3, 4 (didn't do it)
  CS 425 syllabus website CS 425 (didn't do it)
  ENGR 307 syllabus website These evals are about somebody else (see above), so they will not be posted  
Fall 2008 CS 216 syllabus website section 1, 2 (didn't do it)
  CS 451 syllabus website CS 451 (didn't do it)
  ENGR 308 syllabus website These evals are about somebody else (see above), so they will not be posted  
Spring 2008 CS 216 syllabus website CS 216; labs: 2, 3, 4 (didn't do it)
  CS 441 syllabus website CS 441 (didn't do it)
  ENGR 307 syllabus website These evals are about somebody else (see above), so they will not be posted  
Fall 2007 CS 216 syllabus website section 1, 2 (didn't do it)
  CS 445 syllabus website they need to be redacted before they can be posted (see above) (didn't do it)
  ENGR 308 syllabus website These evals are about somebody else (see above), so they will not be posted  
Spring 2007 CS 101 syllabus website they need to be redacted before they can be posted (see above) (didn't do it)
  CS 202 syllabus website they need to be redacted before they can be posted (see above) (didn't do it)
Fall 2006 CS 101 syllabus website CS 101; labs: 2 3 4 5 6 (didn't do it)
  CS 445 syllabus website CS 445 (didn't do it)
Spring 2006 CS 101 syllabus website CS 101; labs: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EOCM
  CS 494 syllabus website CS 494 EOCM
Fall 2005 CS 101 syllabus website CS 101; labs: 2, 3, 4 EOCM
  CS 415 syllabus website CS 415 EOCM
Spring 2005 CS 101 syllabus website CS 101; labs: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EOCM
  CS/APMA 202 syllabus website CS 202, APMA 202 EOCM
Fall 2004 CS 101-E syllabus website CS 101-E, comments EOCM
  CS/APMA 202 syllabus website CS 202, comments EOCM


Appendix B: Humor

I have included my humor slides in both PDF and Microsoft PPT formats. This is the slide set that I used in the spring, 2005 semester.  As mentioned in the narrative, part of the humor is in the showmanship of the presentation, but a general sense of the humor can be gleamed from the slides. For various reasons, these files are password protected - you will have to request the password by dropping me an e-mail.


Appendix C: Discrete Math Oral Exam

A sample oral exam from the fall 2004 semester of CS 202 is available here. Note that to preserve student privacy, to view the video you will need to get a valid username/password from me via e-mail.


Appendix D: Contributed Assignments

Throughout the course of the semester, I developed a number of additional assignments and exams for the students, and have included a few selected ones here.


Appendix E: Online References and Links

The reference for adult attention span is here: see the Pike reference in the middle of the page (under number 3, 'Factors to Consider') and again at the bottom.

Lionel Giles' translation of the Art of War by Sun Tzu. The quote I used in my narrative is from chapter 3, verse 18.

The Sherlock Holmes joke mentioned in the narrative was rated the second funniest joke by LaughLab.


Appendix F: Online Grading System

These pages include some sample views of the online grading system that I developed.  A few notes: the links and forms in these pages do not work, all student IDs and names have all been modified for anonynimity, and you will have to have Javascript enabled to view many of these pages.


Appendix G: Teaching Awards


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