About Me


I'm a professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Virginia (joined August, 2004). My research interests include computer science education and computer graphics, the latter focusing on virtual reality and haptics. I completed my undergraduate degree at Stony Brook University and completed my Ph.D. in 2003 at the University of Pennsylvania studying under Norman Badler.

In the fall of 2024 I am teaching CS 3100: Data Structures and Algorithms 2 and CS 4760: Network Security (github octicon cat).

You can also find me online at github; I don't really do social media anymore. I serve on a number of committees, most notably on the UVa Faculty Senate.


Department of Computer Science
85 Engineer's Way, P.O. Box 400740
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4740
spacer Office: Rice Hall, room 402
Phone: (434) 982-2215
E-mail: aaron (at) virginia (dot) edu
UPS/FedEx address: replace 'P.O. Box 400740' with 'Rice Hall, room 527'

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